Monthly Archives: January 2016


Is world unity really an impossible dream? Is there a mystical resolution that can address all of the world’s challenges? Recently I read an article about an adult self-help seminar. During the course of the sessions of the seminar’s rigorous routines, there were several enthusiasts and there were several skeptics. However, in the weeks following participation in this seminar event, it seems everyone, both enthusiasts and skeptics, reported favorable changes in their lives. It also turns out that the majority of the participants were mostly concerned with managing their lives’ daily events. Only one person seemed to want to change the world and wanted to make personal changes to connect to that goal.
There is a saying that goes like this: “people who are crazy enough to change the world are the ones who actually do change the world”. The doctor who wanted medical students to wash their hands after they had worked in autopsy, and before reporting to the birthing ward, was ostracized and persecuted so severely by his contemporaries in the medical field that he dropped out of medical practice – even though infant mortality rates dropped a dramatic 50% after he insisted on hand-washing.
The man that was assigned with fixing railroad schedules proposed that “time must be standardized”, but needed officials to agree on this as a routine practice across the nation. Apparently, the mayor of one town vehemently protested this proposition, saying that ‘standardizing time would be a revolution in our time, and would deeply disturb people’s traditional notions and convictions about everything’ – – Imagine that !?! Could we possibly be any more disturbed while we are just trying to manage the personal priorities of our daily lives ??? Does the average person know that without an atomically regulated clock in their computer or cell phone that neither would be capable of existing? Yeah, yeah, the algorithms and configurations of 0’s and 1’s in your computer devices are devised in conjunction with the precision of atomic time. But if you are unconcerned with the development of the whole world, all this means absolutely nothing — even though the crazy people who bothered to change and improve the world made it possible for each of us to have a computer, cell phone and HDTV.
Now, to finally get to the heart of this blog and this particular entry – is there a means of world unity that people can converge upon that will be palatable and favorable to everyone regardless of their beliefs, personal priorities and cultural convictions?
Okay, so here we go again…
What would be the one thing that people can universally and unanimously agree upon, which would and could emphatically influence a significant shift in beneficial human progress, specifically, a shift that is superior to politics, economics, philosophy & religion, or cultural agendas? — and why do these means fail to qualify for making significant changes in human progress? Well, the answer to that is simple. There is just too much discord and disagreement upon these issues.
Let’s look at an overlooked area of human development that is commonly dismissed as a means for world improvement, and even self-improvement for those who are less concerned with world improvement. Here are the universal premises that most people can most unanimously agree upon:
**Therefore, the only truly available platform for a united humanitarian front dedicated to significant world change would be to prioritize human child brain development as the foremost agenda and activity for advancing human progress and establishing the basic building blocks of problem-solving that lead to genuine diversity, peace and prosperity.
Yes, people have different ideas about how children ought to be raised, taught and disciplined, but this problem is easily solved when people actually learn what early brain development really consists of. The difficult part is asking people to put their beliefs aside. If people could realize that the real reason we all have so many incoherent belief systems is really because we lack an understanding about real brain development – and it is “beliefs” that have filled in these gaps. When people have the opportunity to comprehend the natural elements of brain development, then people could easily sacrifice their beliefs in favor of children’s best developmental opportunities. The brain was developed long before any belief systems developed, so unless people love their belief systems more than they love their children – which I’ve never heard anyone proclaim – then there should be zero problem resolving this problem.
If EARLY CHILDHOOD development is the FOUNDATION FOR EVERYTHING IN LIFE, then what is stopping us from USING early childhood development to FIX THE WORLD ???


I would just love to thank a man by the name of Keeley – for putting some proof in my pudding…sorry I missed his first name. Anyway, he is a member of a group called the polyglots – – a group of people who meet and have mastered the art of learning many languages with admirable proficiency. I’ve been looking for these people even though I was unaware that they existed.
To get to the point immediately, Keeley has literally set out to prove that learning a language proficiently – or intuitively, as I would describe it – is hardly subject to the classic “critical period” for learning ANOTHER language in the early stages of life and learning. Also, there is further evidence that our abilities change very little over the years, or the course of life. In this recent article I read on the BBC News site, Keeley who was interviewed for this article, explained many factors about the challenges of learning a new language and highlighted a trait that he described as an “emotional salient” (if I remember correctly ~ I’ve been looking for the article to read it again and was unable to find it). Let it suffice to say that I think he and I would be agreeing when considering the poor efficiency “salience” of Americans when it comes to learning other languages. That is to say that too many Americans claim that they are “not good” when it comes to learning other languages. This I blame predominantly on our education system…. But I’m on THAT soapbox all the time, this issue here is how Intuition works for any skill or ability, and how we ought to be able to make Intuition work for us in any new knowledge endeavors.
There are many dynamics to Intuition, but there are some fundamentally rigorous elements about it that ought to have a substantial role in the ways we learn throughout our lives, or our lifetimes.
What Keeley is definitely correct about is that the critical period for learning another language proficiently – or intuitively – is a load of poppycock. WHY is this so ??? Because one of the most rigorous elemental mechanical factors of Intuition is the ability to transfer knowledge between skills – or from one skill to another, even completely different or diverse skills. But without any doubts, the mechanics Intuition should at least be easily transferable within a similar skills set.
The point is that (virtually) all of us have all learned at least ONE (Mother Tongue) language INTUITIVELY, therefore learning another language intuitively and proficiently, with the right language learning tools and methods, ought to be logically feasible. So yes, Keeley’s insight and assumption about learning another language proficiently during the so-called “critical period” of early learning is hogwash — and that the parameters for learning another language proficiently merely need to be put into practice.
HOWEVER, Keeley has forgotten one very important thing – – in order to learn a language, or “another” language proficiently – or intuitively – you would have still had to have learned “a” language of some sort during the “critical period” of early cognitive development, otherwise it would be difficult to learn language of any kind. In other words, as already mentioned, learning “another” language proficiently – or intuitively – comes on the heels of having learned a language intuitively during the “critical period” of learning language to begin with (as has been evidenced by Feral Children).
That is to say that cognitive functions, which are inextricably linked with language functions and intuitive intelligence would all be severely impaired, because they are fundamentally and essentially inseparable. These early intuitive critical learning period factors do need to be incorporated for other traits and features of our destined intuitive intelligence capabilities – in other words, we should be able to learn other skills intuitively and proficiently, just as it is proven capable that we can learn other languages proficiently and intuitively. Other traits, such as Common Sense, Critical Thinking, Quantum Reasoning – are also rooted in this “emotional salient” factor described by Keeley, otherwise we miss the applications of advanced intuitive intelligence, which are applicable to all skills and abilities. The literacy factors for overall intuitive intelligence do indeed depend on the “critical period” of early cognitive development – and what that means is that the features of advanced frontal lobe intuitive processing must be fundamentally included in the semantics and syntaxes of language development in the first place – in the “critical period”, meaning that however many languages we may learn, we will still only be able to bring our own limited brand of common sense and intuitive reasoning to the other languages we learn.
The good news is that – and I believe the article, and/or Keeley pointed this out, learning other languages can help us see reasoning and logic as it may be professed or described in other languages and cultures. When we can bend or flex our cultural, linguistic and cognitive emotions to embrace other concepts, then we are certainly working on our intuitions, which is our destiny, and languages, especially learning new languages can help us do that, because it is a critical factor in exercising our intuitions – and language would be our best tool for doing that, since it is the one sure thing that we originally learned intuitively without restraint or preconceived concepts. Incidentally, this is also a factor for learning new information about anything, and how we can make intuition work for us.
Notwithstanding this one overlooked factor of Keeley’s, I would love to follow this group of polyglots to Berlin, or wherever else in the world they conduct their meetings. I hope more Americans can learn the benefits of learning other languages – there’s nothing un-patriotic about learning other languages, it shows a great deal of intellectual flexibility, and our education system certainly needs an overhaul when it comes to learning foreign languages. This could even be one key element in the course of “reforming” our education system – but while we’re talking about it, so does this “reformation” include understanding the early-intuitive-cognitive-critical-period of establishing intuitive intelligence for EVERYTHING, because early learning is the Foundation for Everything in life, and we can hardly discount the fact that 90% of the brain develops during these early critical years. It makes sense then to establish the ALL the traits and features of lifetime learning during this “critical period” so that we can efficiently and intuitively learn lots and lots of things – and most of all how communicating with others IS an emotionally salient requirement for human relationships, and it is trusting communication in relationships that make the world go round in ways that we all undoubtedly desire – relationships full of peace, prosperity and potential.
Signing off ’till next time. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE, from COGNITIVOLOGY