Monthly Archives: January 2017

THE COGNITIVE TIMES, Exclusive Edition for Scholars, Leaders, Educators, Economists and Role Models – – “THE CHALLENGE IS ON”

The FIRST most important truthful  fact of life you’ll always need to know is how your BRAIN REALLY WORKS – AND to really understand how your brain really works means understanding the original springboard or platform of brain development, which is fully encoded in the 3–5 year old preschool brain (and only in the preschool brain).  The secondary part of this first fact also warrants understanding how the basic principles of e=mc2 –that is, The Theory of Relativity, are essential to understanding real HUMAN BRAIN POTENTIAL.

The SECOND most important fact of life is that there will never be any way to get around, ignore, or dismiss, or bypass the proverbial “preschool” brain in the pursuit of understanding the genuine full potential of the human brain.  You might say that there must be other ways of comprehending and achieving the full potential of the human brain ?! Right ? If that were the truth, or if it were even remotely possible, then some of those other means might have very well presented themselves by now — so what precisely would be these other means?  Could we possibly have missed them all?  Are we really that dull? We keep missing the clues because the one thing that will provide the answers to full brain potential is the one thing that we are most illiterate and dumbfounded about – and that is the preschool stage of intuitive-cognitive development !!!  And if the preschool stage is the only way to understand the full potential of the human brain, why would people avoid looking into it – – why would anyone dismiss and ignore the one thing that will help unlock and demystify the keys, codes and secrets to full brain potential?  What is it that people think they “don’t” need to know about the “preschool brain”.  Why are people so disturbed and befuddled by this prospect?


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The preschool stage is the foundation for everything in life, EVERYTHING — and everything means everything.  So why wouldn’t the preschool stage be the criteria for understanding the full potential of the human brain AND  what other stage of life can possibly boast being the foundation for EVERYTHING?  Only the foundation for everything can possibly provide all the answers needed for full brain potential.

The human brain is a microcosm of the universe and all the forces of the universe are subject to the unifying laws that do indeed govern all forces.  So the human brain is also subject to the same laws that govern laws themselves, and that is that all elements that govern the laws themselves, which in turn govern the universe, are derived from the same set of governing forces that everything is subject to.

There is a Theory of Relativity for Human Brain Potential, and the principles of e=mc2 make human brain relativity an inevitable fate – – – the opposite is just too consequential and even unthinkable  — and besides, we’ve been running on the antithesis of e=mc2 for millennia ….isn’t it time we tried running with the theory of relativity for our brains, look what it’s done for technology and computer science and space-travel and televisions and



The fundamental math principles of e=mc² have proven again and again to be relative to the invisible and visible forces of the whole cosmic universe.  The human brain is a microcosm of the universe , which is why we seek out its knowledge – – because universal knowledge is a necessary and prerequisite element for full human brain potential.  Therefore, the human brain is subject to the principles and parameters of e=mc²

The Laws that Govern the forces of the universe are what make the universe an interconnecting knowledgeable entity — and that is what makes the universe a natural “internet service” of intuitive knowledge and information processes. Humans have never been exempt from these processes and properties, but humans are operating on a grade of intuitive intelligence that is well below the natural grade of intuitive connectivity.  Intuition is the highest function of intelligence — the human birthright and our ultimate fate is to master intuitive intelligence.  Now all we need to do is start a real conversation about intuitive intelligence, which is one and the same with real human brain potential.

EINSTEIN clearly declared that “INTUITION IS EVERYTHING” !!!

The fundamentals of real intuitive intelligence is also identical to the fundamentals of the 3 – 5 year old (preschool) brain.  To comprehend the genuine properties of real brain development is to understand the preschool brain.  Any resources, or fields of knowledge proposing and promoting information about how to unlock the brain’s higher purposes and potential must be able to also proclaim that at least 50% of their material and documentation covers the intuitive-cognitive mechanics of the 3 – 5 year old (preschool) brain.  ALL resources attempting to reveal higher brain development without explaining the preschool brain are merely remedial, impermanent, and maybe even impertinent, but practically all require the effort of conscious application and constant conscious management, and even diffuse, or ignore the fundamental properties of intuition.

Fundamentally defined, INTUITION is actually the connection between all systems of knowledge – –  and every form of energy & matter in the universe is a packet of knowledge and information – from a Boson particle to Binary stars, and EVERYTHING in between. All entities in the universe, living and non-living, operate intuitively to fulfill their full potential, and serve their functional purpose within the interconnecting mechanics of the universe.

INTUITION is also the BIRTHRIGHT and DESTINY of Full Human Brain Potential, connecting us and compelling us, to explore the knowledge of the universe.  Full human brain potential however, i.e., acquiring the knowledge of the universe, takes place after birth, thus the processes of “I.I.” [ Intuitive Intelligence ] must be established and fostered  { post birth } in conjunction with our incremental stages of “cognitive development”, with the help of all of our multi-dimensional sensory tools.

Just as the paired forces of space-time, electromagnetism, light-speed, gravity-mass/acceleration, as well as the Quantum world & multiple dimensions (yet to be properly connected by Scientists/Particle Physicists) are ALL inextricably linked & interconnected — so are the paired forces of intuition–cognition, emotioning–reasoning, language–relationships, creativity–precognitive decision making/hypothesizing, Parenting–brain development, Education–brain development, psychic abilities–multi-dimensional sensory perception, instant gratification–delayed gratification, foresight–hindsight.   All these are governed by underlying and overarching laws and principles common to all processes and properties of the universe.

There have never been separate and disconnecting laws governing the forces of the universe, we merely needed to discover them and realize how they are interconnected.  We are now at the point where we must do the same for the prospects of full human brain potential & intuitive intelligence — these two forces are also identical and as inextricably linked as space & time, electromagnetism, etc.  Intuition is how Einstein figured out the forces of the universe, and it is why he proclaimed that “intuition is everything”, and it is why we consider him to be an intuitive genius.

“Intuition is Everything”, and it is applicable to Everything – – especially, all of the intelligence and behavior capabilities of human potential.


Intuitively is how we’re supposed to learn everything.  Children are the best intuitive learners and early brain development constitutes the foundation for everything in life.  Intuitively, is how we should learn throughout our lifetimes.  The keys to how we learn and the clues to better earning are fully encoded in young brains — all of the descriptions of which are fully DEFINED and DESCRIBED in COGNITIVOLOGY® books, and explicitly outlined in detail in:    

* COLLECTING and CONNECTING THE DOTS – Human Heart and Brain Version 10.0 ~ Upgrading our 40,000 year old 0.2 version of Potential.   

* THE DOTS CONNECTED ~ What Does Childhood Really Have to do with Adulthood, PLUS, Intuition’s Role in Fulfilling the Total Development of the Human Brain and the Unlimited Potential of the Human Mind.

* CONNECTING THE DOTS ~ The Cognitively Correct Way to Speak with Preschoolers.

Explore these books and the significance behind a genuine Theory of Relativity for Full Human Brain Potential.  Visit our website to investigate our books and consultations about Intuitive Intelligence development. Find out WHY, find out HOW, find out MORE – – – COGNITIVOLOGY® :  The World’s leading and best consulting forum for Intuitive Intelligence  (as well as the genuine traits of computational thinking).

Only COGNITIVOLOGY® can answer all of the fundamentally-interconnecting questions & traits about Intuitive Intelligence.    The TRUTH is in the fundamentals !!!

In the future we may consider naming names and describing how certain known, credible and trusted personas are misleading the general public about higher brain potential…but we’d rather see them join the real cause of real brain development, if they dare to understand.  Good luck and good tidings to all throughout the world and throughout the year.  — C. Woolf, primary author of COGNITIVOLOGY (R) books, literature and materials.