Monthly Archives: August 2018


It would hardly be the first time we’ve taken advantage of the phrase “truth is stranger than fiction”, because the truth of the matter about truth is that it is uncompromising, un-bendable, inflexible, non-negotiable and unyielding ~ perhaps this is why we also subscribe to the saying that “the truth hurts”.

If our beliefs are consistent with truths, then there’s never any way that the truth can be hurtful.  Maybe because the truth about anything can be hurtful is why we go through painstaking efforts to avoid it – a literal exercise in contradiction in and of itself. But, if our beliefs are designed to protect us from actual truths, then it is understandable why folks would protect and abide by their beliefs, and even make their belief systems unyielding so as to ensure having to face truthful premises.  Essentially, what does this mean if we are making value comparisons, such as the way we do at the supermarket when we are deciding to buy one particular product versus a competitor version of the same product.  Do the principles change if we are asking the daring question of which is more important — the truth or one’s personal (or cultural) beliefs? !!  The principles of learning and knowledge are unilateral, they remain consistent whether one is learning in foresight or hindsight, by artificial knowledge or natural knowledge.  Knowledge, like all natural elements of the universe — where knowledge originates from the forces and elements and building blocks of the universe — is governed by one set of unifying laws (which govern all forces and elements).  Why then, it would be one and the same as trusting the truth of knowledge, or understanding that truth is one and the same as the origins of knowledge.

Okay, now what?

What is the consensus of truth vs. beliefs – – – why the introduction and mental foreplay on explaining the mechanics and definitions of knowledge?

Because the upcoming example being presented here is somewhat harsh – rather, it is a lesson of tough love for adults.  We live on the cusp of the age of reasoning, which has already pretty much transformed into the age of information and which is now beginning its transformation into the age of quantum information processing – –  and the future of information is depending on this standard, both for humans (intuitive intelligence) and for computing systems (artificial intelligence).  However quantum information processing depends on the virtues of trust, (a necessary trait that can actually slow down the oncoming paradigm and dispensation of quantum information processing).  This is significant because, trust and truth are inseparable and if we do want to move into the age of quantum information processing, then the elements of truth and trust only ever come as a package deal.

The truth is that in order for quantum information processing to make its genuine mark in the age of intuitive computers, means that humans must also become more intuitive (the human brain definition for quantum information processing).

So, what is the crux of understanding and establishing truth? It unfortunately means we have to undo some of our beliefs.  If there was any way to explain to adults, especially Parents, that “parenting” is actually “brain development” – and be able to explain this without offending any parent, then TRUST that it would be done — and done so that the things we desire most for making life prosperous and peaceful for everyone  would also be changing advantageously at an uncontrollable rate.   Real brain development would and could spread like the wildest-out-of–control fire.

Scientific proof is staying afloat and computational thinking is silently gaining ground…

Parents can wait for the next generation to take advantage of the future’s information processing providence, or they can jump on the gravy train now and be part of the paradigm shift. So what is the question that parents need to be asking themselves? The question we ask of them – – is – – Are you the kind of parent who is willing to walk through fire for your children, the kind of parent who is willing to do anything to ensure your child(rens) health, happiness, safety and success? are you the type of parent that is willing to sacrifice anything for your children???  If so, does that include sacrificing your beliefs (and belief systems), or are your beliefs more important than your children???

Parenting IS brain development AND there is a truth to how the brain develops.  If our beliefs were more consistent with the truths of knowledge and cognitive development, then we’d already be on board and on the way to developing higher knowledge and using more of our brain’s potential than we have been using for the last 40,000+ years of human history. We are either on the side of truth and the future, or we are in the present, which is one and the same as being in the past.  For the sake of children and their future, we need to choose, whether we are parents or just the voyeurs of parents, all of us play some role of responsibility for the future citizens of our planet.  Join the side of truth, if you please. Give your brain a real chance at living in the future.

‘Til next time friends, yours TRULY, Carla, here at Cognitivology.

See our new video on our cognitivology facebook page (soon to be posted on youtube) and send us your comments and questions (only comments and questions will be answered, spams will be ignored, but thanks in advance for reaching out anyway spammers).  Cheers everyone